202 Generic modules

202-ecommerce offers Prestashop modules allowing you to develop your stores, boost your sales, increase your average basket and retain your customers!

Improved sales

module 202 ecommerce programme fidelite

Advanced loyalty program

The most personalized solution to retain your customers. Build personalized loyalty programs, in particular by assigning loyalty points to each product.

Prestashop module Out of stock order alert

Discover the # 1 solution that lets you know which out-of-stock products are of interest to your customers.

Site improvement

module 202 ecommerce champs personnalises

Advanced custom fields: Create new fields quickly module

Custom fields module allows you to create your custom fields and to show them on Product, Category or Order pages in Back Office and Front Office. 6 types of fields are available : text, text area, image, video, select and checkbox.

module 202 ecommerce activation declinaisons

Activation / Deactivation of declination, import .csv

Discover the N ° 1 solution allowing you to know which products apart from The optimal solution to better manage your variations. The module allows you to quickly deactivate a variation, without deleting it, and reactivate it later. It is also possible to import the list of deactivated combinations.

module 202 ecommerce page marque

Modify and improve the Brands / Manufacturers page

Improve the “brands” page of your PrestaShop by choosing several options that allow you to stand out from your competitors and highlight the brands offered.


module 202 ecommerce modification transporteur

Quick change of carriers by categories

The optimal solution for managing your carriers. With a few clicks change carrier(s) of your products and save time with this module.

Payment and payment tracking

module 202 ecommerce mandat administratif

Administrative mandate

This module makes administrative payment logistics easy! The “Administrative Mandate” module will allow you to offer new payment solutions dedicated to French administrations, organizations and communities.