E-Commerce sites: maintenance and updates

Our obsession: the scalability of the site and… your peace of mind!

Meeting the challenge of disruption

After the successful launch of your e-commerce site, is the work done? Far from it!

No sector is changing faster than the digital and e-commerce one. Ever-changing consumers, eco-systems, agencies, tools, software, and regulations make your e-commerce site vulnerable to unforeseen bugs and essential updates. The challenge is clear: anticipate and intervene to ensure optimal functioning of your site over time.

Our secret: anticipation and responsiveness

In the web’s ever-changing and competitive environment, inaction and wait-and-see attitudes quickly become a vital threat to any e-commerce activity. Relying on our agency, with its 10 years of expertise in site maintenance, is therefore an act of strategic importance. We provide three levels of maintenance: preventive, corrective and adaptive. Anticipate, monitor, detect, repair, update, process… This is the daily routine of our technical team dedicated to preserving the performance of your e-commerce site over time.

Our special sauce: a RUN-oriented organization

At 202ecommerce, the continuous updating of your site is calculated into the initial creation phase, called Build. Choice of elements and technical bias desicions are made with this in mind. Facilitating a site’s prolonged maintenance is also the focus of our exclusive Atomic Suite Framework. Our technical team includes a Q/A engineer dedicated to the quality control of our work. Our expertise in project management is based on a pre-production tool (staging manager), allowing updates to be tested in real conditions before deploying them on each site. Finally, the traceability of the logs of successive code updates facilitates rapid response times where necessary.

Respond to your development requests

In addition to the essential technical maintenance, you can count on our teams to grow your site according to your ambitions. We operate the development projects at your request, but we also advise you proactively on the developments that will strengthen your online offer, improve the user experience and boost the performance of the site or the productivity of your organization. e-commerce.

Does your e-commerce site need work?

We’ll create a plan for its continous maintenance

PrestaShop: the advantages of a decade-long partnership

A PrestaShop Platinum certified agency for 10 years running, 202ecommerce is an attested contributor to solution development. This “veteran” experience gives us a rare expertise in this CMS, a much-needed perspective, as well as a privileged relationship with PrestaShop’s tech teams. These assets guarantee our e-commerce customers careful monitoring of the PrestaShop solution.

“I recommend the agency for its understanding of both business and technique. They provide proposals for the maintenance and improvement of our eCommerce.”

Pack N Board

202 in numbers

  • 100%
  • 25
  • 10 years
    of experience
  • 90
  • From 2011
    PrestaShop Partner